What's also nice is that Paradise Pit is just past downtown Santa Barbara and every year the ice cream just gets yummier!

I rode most of the day with myself. I don't say "by myself" because on this ride you really are never "by yourself". I took my time getting to lunch- talking with a few newbies and drinking a diet coke with lunch. (this is a luxury, you know.... I got to the coke machine at the lunch stop before it all sold out!) My friend Edna was getting that gnarly "camp cough" so I encouraged her to sag to camp so that she'd be well enough to ride on Day 7. She took my advice.
After lunch I felt pretty good so I booked it through Santa Barbara to the Paradise Pit.
I hung out there for close to an hour, helping to move the steadily lengthening line so that people split into 4 separate lines once they got to the ice cream table. After that I booked on over to RS4 where I ran into Daniel who was also having a "day to ride by yourself". It was a healthy day for both of us, and we were looking forward to checking out the Marriott in Ventura for the evening...
Daniel and I at Pit 4, Day 6
Day Six is also the evening of the annual Candelight Vigil. We stood in silence against a dark sky with our candles lit, remembering those we had lost to AIDS. Every year I think about my friends Chris and Dwight who died of AIDS in the early 90's. Every year I resolve to come back and ride until there is a cure.

Day Six is also the evening of the annual Candelight Vigil. We stood in silence against a dark sky with our candles lit, remembering those we had lost to AIDS. Every year I think about my friends Chris and Dwight who died of AIDS in the early 90's. Every year I resolve to come back and ride until there is a cure.