Thursday, June 05, 2008

Day 3 with King City...

Day 3 was King City to Paso Robles. I sort of don't even remember the day. We started out on a quick, very short, little bike path on to Quad Buster which is the most famous ride during the week, although, not necessarily the hardest. So, we headed on up and over quad buster down and into a small teeny, little town called Lockwood, where we stopped and had ice cream then headed on out into another small town of Bradley, which is at mile 85. Bradley School fund raiser every year is terrific! They sell us barbecued burgers and hot dogs and all kinds of treats. So, we definitely had a great lunch. Headed on in on the freeway, yes the shoulder of the freeway, into Pasa Robles where we ended and had pizza delivered! listen

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