Saturday, March 29, 2008

White's Hill vs. Quadbuster?

White's Hill has often been compared to the infamous "Quadbuster " hill on the ride. I say no way--- White's Hill is hella easier, and feels shorter too!

Oh yes, you can actually see the elevation comparison and it looks pretty close. Ben blogs about it on his website

I'd have to say (in my humble opinion of course) once you climb Pt. Reyes/Petaluma Road toward the Cheese Factory, although I'm sure the elevation climb doesn't match--THAT's the climb that is the most like Quadbuster on Day 3. The other thing is that like Quadbuster, that climb to the Cheese Factory you can see go up and up and up. You can see all us little ants on bikes climbing, climbing, climbing...

"Le Alpe Du Fromage" is what we've named it. Cheese Factory Hill. (no not CHEESE CAKE factory... although there IS one of those not too far from the Tib Loop, y'know).

Go ride Ben's CAT 2 series ride on April 13th... and then come tell me if climbing that Alpe Du Fromage is harder than White's Hill.