Okay I only tell you this over and over because in all of my years of training with folks for AIDS Lifecycle, I've never met anyone who got a ticket not stopping at a sign like this one and was happy about the $257 bucks (I think its more now). Or got booted off of a ride for blatant disregard of that sign and other rules-- and then had to figure out how to get themselves home from the middle of nowhere. (not to mention they had to tell their donors that they got booted off of the ride...)
It happens, trust me on that one. You all know I have lots of stories...
If you are on an ALC ride, show ALC courtesy and STOP, damnit! You'll jeopardize our ability to get permits to do large rides locally (like the Expo Ride from yesterday, or the Day on the Ride on April 26th). Our small little towns don't like it when we break the law, and that one is basic.
Besides, who wants to support a cause where all of the riders break the law? Heck, they can go donate money to Breast Cancer walkers instead because their participants are hella safer than us!
And yes, an ALC stop is foot off the pedal on the ground, period. Do you think I enjoy a stop like that? every 100 feet on Lansdale in Fairfax? Hell no, but hey at least slow down and look! Don't go breezing past the sign like it ain't there. I saw tons of that yesterday on the Expo rides... and quite a few ended up being NEAR MISSES where a car just about nailed the rider(s).
Do you think I ENJOY rescuing people at the hospital? Or trying to figure out who to call for them? Then do me a favor and at least THINK ABOUT stopping.
I don't care what all the other kids are doing. You're better than that.
As you can tell I get really annoyed at this stuff..... and I live in one of those little towns so I get to hear the other side from my neighbors.
Please keep me sane.