Thursday, May 17, 2007


Michael (my ride husband) and I have decided that somewhere along the line, I must have picked up some good marketing for myself.

I have never, and I mean NEVER- been a fast rider, EVER. My best average speed ( and this was when I weighed 2grams) has probably been about 15mph. On average I do a good clip at 13mph.

That's it!

I keep coming upon people who say, "well you're a fast rider, so....." and I'm always flabbergasted. I ride ALOT, but I don't ride alot very fast. Most of the people I ride with ride faster than me, but are kind enough to wait for me at the next stop.

So for those of you who are thrilled to catch up with me, or hang with me and pass me on a good climb- you're probably doing very well compared to how you did when we first met early on in the training season, but you are definitely going to surpass me in your average speed because I AM NOT FAST AND I'M DAMN PROUD OF IT.

I just have a good Marketing Team, I guess.