We rode the Healdsburg Harvest Century on Saturday. This is a great ride, very scenic and well supported. Mike and I arrived at the start at 6:15 for a 6:30 check in and were on the road by 6:45. The day was slated to be in the 90's, temperature wise so we wanted to get an early start to this 60 mile ride. We met EJ (see Friday's post) and Carl and the four of us got on the road at an easy quick pace. We missed our group of friends who were also doing the ride, as they got a later start. But we were able to hook up with them at the end of the ride. (The pics here are stolen from Shance's smug mug page). Mike is getting inspired to ride by watching the Tour each morning or evening.... one can only hope that he will get hooked on cycling and want to continue riding regularly. It's pretty rare that we ride together, this was one of those rare days and we both had a great time!
We finished our ride at about 11:00, just in time to sit under the trees, cool off and of course, eat. About 40 minutes later we saw both Shance and Faisal ride in, and so sat waiting for the rest of the group to ride in as well...