People always ask me
about my step-daughter Hannah, our relationship, and what kind of kid she is. Here are a couple of pics of her-- one of her with her dad, and another posing in a great big hole that she dug with her dad at the beach last year.
She is a pretty typical 11 year old- loves music and animals and giggles alot with her friends. We don't see her with great regularity, although when she does come out to visit we have a pretty good time. She is almost as tall as me and is already wearing my shoe size! Heck, pretty soon I'll be able to make her wear my clothes so she doesn't have to bring any with her to visit... (kidding, Hannah). She goes to a private school in Danville, California "The Athenian School" which is a pretty progressive thinking (read: liberal) middle and high school. Although it costs her dad an arm and a leg to send her there, we feel she is getting the best education for this influential time in her life. She's very smart, so I'm glad this school gives her a chance to experience diversity and open mindedness in the world which she might not get in a public school.