The route basically goes down Skyline Blvd from SF to Canada Road, then lunch at Roberts Market and back.
On the way back David and I had a little accident. He ran into me when I stopped before the Hwy 1 interchange from Skyline. I felt it safer to stop and cross over all together rather than try to merge across with folks speeding at freeway speed. He didn't know I slowed down and ran into me, knocking me over on my bike and then flying over me and his bike going down hard.
Luckily we were both ok, although full of adrenaline I'm sure, and we hopped back on our bikes and continued... can't imagine what that looked like to Dylan who watched the whole thing.
I scraped my index finger and bled all over my shifter-- gross. And then Monday I had this beeeyootiful bruise on my right leg, where my top tube must have jammed into my thigh:
Anyhow, we continued into SF and hit the Upper Great Highway where the wind was sooo gusty that the sand would blow into our faces! Talk about microdermabrasion. We quickly found another way to get to GG park and through it, back down Arguello and into the Sports Basement in the Presidio.
A crazy day of riding, but hey at least it was with friends!