Each year since they began the ride I have taken part in The Breast Cancer Fund's "Bike Against the Odds" with my cycling club The Velo Girls. There are two fundraising rides I do each year, AIDS Lifecycle and this one. Not only is it a great route (I usually do the 65 mile route, but this year may do less) but it is the one time that I get to actually meet the other members of Velo Girls in person. We are an all women's cycling club based out of the SF Peninsula.
Every year, the Oakland Yellowjackets try to beat us in fundraising and each year they have come in second. Something tells me that this year may be different. I mean their highest fundraiser so far is Ron Marshall, a great guy I met while training for my first AIDS Lifecycle, whose wife is a breast cancer survivor. Since I know a number of Yellowjackets, its fun to tease them in the days up to the ride, to get them to try and raise even more money than VG (if they can)... this year will be no different.
If you want to check us out you can do so by going to The Breast Cancer Fund's "Bike Against the Odds" page and make a donation....the link is: