Friday, October 26, 2007

First Official Friday Ride for ALC 7

Today was the first of many Friday Training rides for ALC 7.
Donald, Kelsey, Ben, John and I met in the back lot of Mike's Bikes in Sausalito. After stretching, doing introductions (small group makes it easy!), reviewing the route and finally reading the "new and improved" safety speech, we were on our way...
Kelsey & Ben chatting it up on the bike path...

It was a nice, leisurely ride and it felt nice to be on the bike again. I had not been on the bike since our ride up Haleakala so my legs felt a leeeetle bit stiff. But it didn't take much time before I felt like I was in th groove again. Of course, being sedentary for so long meant my heart rate would jump as soon as I started the Camino Alto climb... and jump it did, to about 171 bpm! OH Boy, I got some riding to do!

The ride around Paradise Drive was beautiful, the weather relatively clear but cool. Soon enough we were winding our way down into Tiburon where we stopped at Shark's Deli for a quick snack.
Donald and Kelsey

John & I
(we both decided we like how we look in jerseys with black sides!

After a quick snack and some gossiping, we were back on our bikes through the Tiburon bike path, up and over 101 and back to Mike's Bikes where we said our goodbyes.
But not before signing out and of course, having John take our annual "First Ride of the Season" group picture!
Come join us some Friday!