A couple of months ago, Daniel said he wanted to train for the AIDS Marathon (as well as AIDS Lifecycle) which takes place July 29 in SF. It also benefits the SF AIDS Foundation, so since I am a Foundation groupie I figured what the heck, I'm up for the challenge, and I've never run a step in my life!
Last Saturday after the Three Bears ride, he started talking about it again to a few folks sitting around eating at the Greek restaurant Alekos (in Orinda). Robert Blake (no, not THAT one) was sitting nearby and started thinking... this could be a good goal for the year!
So this past Wednesday, the three of us went to an info meeting for the AIDS Marathon. The training schedule didn't seem TOO bad, and we could cross train by cycling so all three of us signed up to run 26 miles in July.... after riding 545 miles in June!
Call us crazy...