Up at 5:00am and down to the Starbuck's kiosk in the lobby. I downed a muffin and an americano and headed back to camp. Yoichi and I were on a mission: get on the road and off of the PCH by 10am so as not to get dinged by the surfboards and beach-goers this year. We were on the road by 6:04 (route opened at 6am) and to the lunch stop by 9:30. Damn right we were on San Vincente by 11am and soon stopped at Le Pain Quotidien for a real lunch and to watch our riders go by.

After hanging out at brunch with Sandy and Donald, we went ahead and continued down San Vincente to Peet's coffee where we met up with folks and I rang the cowbell for awhile.
Me, Eric, and Cris
(Eric was one of my first TR leaders when I started training for ALC2 in 2003!)
David, Me and Donald at Peet's
Soon we were back on our bikes and headed for the final ride into the VA Center in Brentwood.
The end of another successful AIDS LifeCycle!

(Eric was one of my first TR leaders when I started training for ALC2 in 2003!)

Soon we were back on our bikes and headed for the final ride into the VA Center in Brentwood.
The end of another successful AIDS LifeCycle!