Last Sunday Mike and I met our friend Daniel who took us on a tour of the top of the South Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Yes THE Golden Gate Bridge. The one you see in all the movies, that gets blown up, that people fall in love on, that people jump off of. Probably the most famous and most photographed bridge in the world. WE got to go up to the top of it! My friend Daniel, whom I met when he was training for his first AIDS Lifecycle ride, is a Sargeant on the the Golden Gate Bridge. One day he emailed me and invited me and a friend to tour the top of the bridge. Talk about a once in a lifetime trip. "Of course!" I emailed back. And with that we set the date for October 1st. The south tower is 760 feet tall, and you have to ride a very small elevator to the top, climb a ladder that is about 20 feet, flip open a hatch and climb out. The view, as you can imagine is spectacular!

We spent almost an hour at the top, taking over a hundred photos from different vantage points on the tower. It was a pretty clear day, with only high clouds to worry about and very little wind.
How many times to you get a photo like this in your life?